Annual Chronicle 2022: Let's Advance the Industry Together

Events have the power to influence brands on multiple levels. When done correctly, they can lead to improved brand recognition, increased customer loyalty, and higher sales, all while giving your brand a competitive advantage.

In this e-book you'll learn:
- The key benefits of using events to enhance your brand.
- Proven strategies for building stronger brands through events.
- How to effectively leverage event technology to boost your branding efforts.

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22 december, 2022

Annual Chronicle 2022: Let's Advance the Industry Together

With just a few days left in 2022, our focus now shifts towards 2023. What can we expect from this exciting year? Mats Nyberg, CEO of Trippus, shares his perspective on the past and the upcoming year.

Initially, for the first time in a long while, we step into a new year without restrictions, a factor that has undoubtedly influenced the Event Industry for an extended period. This positions Trippus in its best period ever, as our clients plan events at a level significantly higher than before. In 2022, clients have participated in numerous physical events again, and all signs point to this trend continuing into 2023.

The industry's digitalization has been accelerated by the pandemic, leading more people to discover Event Management platforms and recognize their positive impact on both efficiency and professionalism in event management. Various services are now considered indispensable by clients, with Event Apps standing out as a necessity for organizers. Here, they gather all information related to the event, including agendas, participant lists, tickets, and digital food vouchers.

Furthermore, we observe a growing interest in blending the physical and digital realms, as organizers seek ways to integrate these two meeting formats for the optimal reach. While there will naturally be events that are 100% physical, an increasing number will incorporate some form of digital accessibility, allowing a broader audience to participate.

A recent example is The Sales Conference, where hundreds attended physically at Globen Annexet, while several thousand from 63 different countries participated digitally. This illustrates how a fantastic event can reach a wider audience, a model not limited to large-scale events but equally applicable to internal company gatherings, enabling employees from different physical locations to attend the same event.

Image from The Sales Conference 2022.

The pandemic has undeniably influenced how we organize events and what participants expect. At Trippus, we are confident that these changes will become even more apparent in 2023. In 2022, we often reverted to the event landscape of 2019, but many realized that expectations had evolved during the digital revolution. Looking ahead to 2023, we believe organizers will better meet participants' expectations, and at Trippus, we will be even better equipped to support them with market-leading solutions. Our goal is to be the sole point of contact for organizers, capable of handling all aspects of event platform solutions, whether connected to physical or digital attendees.

Let's engage in discussions on how we can collectively propel this industry forward.

We eagerly anticipate an outstanding 2023 and look forward to connecting with all of you!‍

Are you ready to create better events?